Hi again! Sorry it's been like a month since I posted.
So far I've only been working on the Disney Electrical Parade (ELP for short). The shifts are 10 and a half hours long, so on the days that I have ELP shifts basically I get up, take the bus to go to work, work, go home and sleep. Then I repeat as scheduled.
That kind of makes it sound bad, but I love it! The parade is a lot of fun, and I have learned a lot.
It still feels surreal working here. On the parade especially. As a guest I am not sure if anyone ever thinks about how many people go into putting on a single parade. I never thought about it until I was seeing the backstage craziness, either. Things like that are ways that Disney really does make magic. (I also learned that Disney puts up its Christmas decorations in TWO DAYS. For the ENTIRE park, all 22 resorts, even counting Downtown Disney. Now THAT is magical.)
Speaking of a crazy amount of crew, on just ELP there are:
9 costuming crew
82 performers
15 drivers
3 costume techs (for the lights)
spotters for the floats
techs for the floats
and mant more people that I see but don't know all that they do
which is a total of over 110 people! Crazy, I know.
The Halloween and Christmas Parades have EVEN more performers and costumers working at once, so I'm sure it's well over 200 people on a single night, easy.
I've gotten to know some people who have been there at the parade frequently, which is cool. But it sucks because the people that I have gotten to know on the parade are really the only people I have seen to hang out with....and we are all always working or ahve different shifts off from work.
Now for the negatives about my job:
I really love the shift, but since it is SO much longer than all of my roommates' shifts, I really don't get to see them much. I pretty much don't get to see ANYONE. I get home after most normal people are in bed, and I get up after most people have left for work.
It's a 10 hour shift, so I'm pretty pooped after 5 or 6 days straight. 50 hours in 5 days is a lot of work.
I can't do anything before or after my shift because of the hours, either. I'm gone from the apartment 12 or more hours in the day with taking the bus, and sometimes eating food that's terrible for me after work with friends, which has been really fun! (I really have grown to love Steak and Shake, lol)
Other than that, I'm beginning training in the character room today. The shifts for training are completely backward from the shifts for ELP. I usually don't go to bed until 4 am, but I had to get up at 4 am in order to get ready to catch the bus at 5am. The training lasts a week or so, and after that I'll usually be on fly team. Character room is where all the performers can pick up whatever they need to perform their sets for the day. Fly team is where I'll be on call in case anyone calls in sick for ELP.
When I get around to it, I will finally post a picture of me in my costume, haha. I'm not sure that most people know what the Costuming costume looks like.